Thursday, April 2, 2009

Rage: love it, hate it...change it?

It seems like everyone is talking about changing rage lately, since it seems Wrath widened the gap between trash/heroics and bosses.

I agree that the rage mechanic is seriously messed up in current content, but if you follow the advice of some posts I've seen, it starts to look a whole lot like energy. Personally I like how it starts low and goes up as you deal/receive damage. It creates opportunities to show off your skill at keeping up your rage bar, as well as allowing you to pull as quickly as your healer can go. What I don't like is that, as many have mentioned, the better your gear, the harder it is to tank (after a certain gear threshold). What if rage had a slow regen up to maybe 20 or 30, and above that, a slow decay. If that's not good enough for you, the regen could be sped up perhaps by some secondary tanking skill like AP. Let's face it, if I'm preparing for combat, it's because I'm already mad, so it doesn't necessarily make sense to start at 0, but I'm not nearly as crazy as I am once the "battle" begins, so from a logical standpoint, this approach makes sense (to me anyway).

This would keep our unique mechanic, which is part of the reason I enjoy my warrior, while giving us a small part of what all the other classes enjoy, starting out with resources.


  1. I thought there was a talent in the fury tree that would allow you to gen rage from your hits? did they get rid of that or are most prots not using it? and does blood rage not help right from start, I think that is the name, sure healer has to help out at first but at least you get rage to start with.

  2. well the problem is that bosses hit way too hard compared to trash, so warriors are great boss tanks, and awful trash tanks, and, once they outgear content, awful heroic tanks unless we change gear sets to take more damage. It's like we get penalized for having better avoidance stats.

    Bloodrage helps, but if you're starved for rage, bloodrage is on cooldown, and you're avoiding every hit, then the mage that just hit a nice crit string on his blizzard is about to die.

    They've talked about some changes to rage in 3.1 and I should be paying more attention, but nothing amazing will be done, as this is something that Blizz will want to test extensively.

    As far as talents, most prot warriors don't take some of the rage talents like Unbridled Wrath or Anger Management, because most Prot warriors don't spec for trash/heroics, and the problem doesn't exist on bosses.
